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4Ocean https://4ocean.com/ The 4 O.C.E.A.N Pillars- Technology, job creation, education and market creations for ocean plastic. With these pillars as our foundation, we at 4ocean pledge to clean the ocean and coastlines one pound at a time.
5 Gyres https://saveourshores.org/ Founded by a couple of scientists passionate about ending plastic pollution, 5 GYRES takes on an integrated approach. This NGO combines science, education, and art in order to fight plastic use. One of their flagship programs lends trawls (scientific equipment) to citizen scientists in order to collect data on plastic pollution. 5 Gyres mission is to conduct research and communicate about the global impact of plastic pollution in the world’s oceans and employ strategies to eliminate the accumulation of plastic pollution in the 5 subtropical gyres.
Algalita https://algalita.org/ Leaders in research and education on plastic pollution, Algalita works to develop influencers in the area and impact decision-making. The organization believes that education and knowledge are key to combat plastic pollution. As such, their portfolio of projects includes Trash Trackers for the community, ocean waste monitoring and STEM Workshops and Presentations that teach basic concepts on plastic pollution. For many years, the amount of plastics accumulating in the world was largely ignored by the media. That is despite the environemental and scientific communities warnings for many years!! It seems that there has been a resurgent of interet over the past year, so let's take advantage of it and become grassroots acitivists, or at least do what we can! Here are some organizations working on the issues that you can join.
All One Ocean https://www.alloneocean.org/ Education and Clean ups to protect the oceans.
Bag It http://www.bagitmovie.com/ Bag It is the award-winning movie that will educate you about the enormity of our plastic waste problem and inspire you to take action. Check their site out to learn more about how you can be the difference.
Be Straw Free http://ecocycle.org/bestrawfree?fbclid=IwAR30sIxgisvkYuASkzNwqfUsOL1vuqVqhtxZ8FHp8g4fwRxkz4S97LqeB08 Be Straw Free is a campaign started in 2011 by 9 year-old Milo Cress. An organization that urges restaurants to use fewer plastic straws. With “Offer First policy” for restaurants, and for individuals the “Each One Reach One” approach. Now 15 years old, Milo has toured the world speaking to school groups, politicians, and restaurant owners.
Blue Frontier Campaign https://bluefront.org/ With a network of grassroots individual citizen activists, the Blue Frontier Campaign works towards the improvement of ocean policies in the 23 coastal states of the United States. According to Blue Frontier Campaign, the mission of the initiative is to construct the solution-oriented citizen engagement required to save our ocean, coasts and the communities. The initiative conducts regional meetings, public education campaigns and publishes books to achieve their goal. The campaign was founded by award-winning author and journalist David Helvarg in 2003.
Break Free from Plastic https://www.breakfreefromplastic.org/ #breakfreefromplastic is a global movement envisioning a future free from plastic pollution. Since its launch in September 2016, nearly 1,300 organizations from across the world have joined the movement to demand massive reductions in single-use plastics and to push for lasting solutions to the plastic pollution crisis. These organizations share the common values of environmental protection and social justice, which guide their work at the community level and represent a global, unified vision
Californias Against Waste https://www.alloneocean.org/ The mission of Californians Against Waste is to conserve resources, prevent pollution and protect California’s environment through the development, promotion, and implementation of waste reduction and recycling policies and programs.
Center for International Environmental Law (CIEL) https://www.ciel.org/ CIEL works to achieve a toxics-free future through our work negotiating new international treaties; changing public policy and private practices; advocating for precaution and increased attention on new forms of chemicals; and, along the way, building strong and diverse coalitions.
The Center for Health, Environment and Justice http://chej.org/polyvinyl-chloride-pvc/ We train and support local activists across the country and build local, state and national initiatives that win on issues from Superfund to climate change. Extensive PVC division.
Clear Blue Sea https://clearbluesea.org/ This relatively new, not-for-profit the Clear Blue Sea, is actively working to rid oceans of plastic and repurposing the plastic that they collect. Their innovative solution uses a Floating Robot for Eliminating Debris (FRED). Not only does it clean up debris, but it also uses renewable energy, has a self-preservation mechanism during storms, and can help rescue animals trapped in debris.
Corporate Accountability International https://www.corporateaccountability.org/ Corporate Accountability stops transnational corporations from devastating democracy, trampling human rights, and destroying our planet.
Earth Day Network https://www.earthday.org/ What started as a small network during the first Earth Day, the Earth Day Network now has over 50,000 partners globally. The organization is focused on promotion and awareness, particularly for Earth Day itself. They create important campaigns and materials including this Plastic Pollution Primer and Action Toolkit.
Electronic Waste Guide https://www.pcliquidations.com/helpful-guide-ewaste-recycling Complete Guide to Electronic Rcycling
Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) https://www.edf.org/oceans The US-based Environmental Defense Fund or EDF is known for its works in the area of global warming, ecosystem restoration and oceans.
Environmental Working Group (EWG) https://www.ewg.org/ Mission of EWG is to empower people to live healthier lives in a healthier environment. With breakthrough research and education, we drive consumer choice and civic action.
Friends of the Earth https://friendsoftheearth.uk/ The goal of Friends of the Earth is to achieve a better and healthier environment by 2030. Part of this effort includes reducing plastic pollution. To this end, the organization promotes #PlasticFreeFridaywhere followers join efforts to avoid using plastic once per week, and hopefully even more often.
Greenpeace https://www.greenpeace.org/usa/ You’ve probably already heard of Greenpeace. This global NGO actively works to promote a wide range of environmental issues. When it comes to plastic, one of their largest campaigns is a global petition to encourage ministerial action against single-use plastic.
The Last Plastic Straw https://thelastplasticstraw.org/ The Last Plastic Straw is a movement to eliminate single use plastic at the source and a project of Plastic Pollution Coalition.
Litterati Litterati.org Litteratti is a crowd-sourced mapping model that serves to clean up the world. It is a community that is collecting data using a phone app called Litterati.
Mission Blue https://mission-blue.org/ Mission Blue is a global initiative of the Sylvia Earle Alliance. Currently, the Mission Blue community includes 50+ respected ocean conservation groups and like-minded organizations — from large multinational companies down to individual scientific teams doing important research.
My Plastic Free Life https://myplasticfreelife.com My Plastic Free Life is a site that has evolved from a simple blog (formerly known as “Fake Plastic Fish”) to a comprehensive resource on plastic-free living. Together, we can change the world.
Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) https://www.nrdc.org/ With the main mission to promote the rights of people to clean air, clean water, and a cleaner habitat, the NRDC is a global NGO with nearly 3 million members. They make a strong focus on individual action for environmental preservation including ways to reduceplastic pollution. From Raptim https://www.raptim.org/17-ngos-fighting-plastic-pollution/
The Ocean Cleanup https://www.theoceancleanup.com/ The idea behind The Ocean Cleanup, founded in 2013 by 18-year-old Boyan Slut from the Netherlands, is nothing less than the largest ocean cleanup in history, by extracting and intercepting plastic waste in the seas. As one of the most ambitious and exciting environmental projects out there, the project has a scope that is actually too large to properly sum it up in a couple of lines. That is why we encourage you to head over to their website and find out more. This is maybe the most creative ecologic initiative.
Ocean Conservancy https://oceanconservancy.org/ Founded in 1972, Ocean Conservancy is a Washington, D.C. based leading advocacy group working for the protection of special marine habitats, the restoration of sustainable fisheries and most importantly, for reducing the human impact on ocean ecosystems. In order to save our oceans, the group focuses on educating the public and also advocating for policy changes for maintaining vibrant ocean wildlife. Among Ocean Conservancy’s several efforts, International Coastal Cleanup programme- which the group has been hosting for over 30 years- brings millions of volunteers together to clean beaches across the world. The organization was initially known as the Delta Conservancy and later the Center for Environmental Education and the Center for Marine Conservation before receiving its current name. Ocean Conservancy goal is to bring people together to find solutions for our water planet. We educate and empower people to defend not only the ocean and its wildlife, but also the millions who earn their living from the ocean.
Oceana https://oceana.org/ Established through a collaborative partnership between several foundations, Oceana works to protect our oceans and marine life. Their Non Campaign makes a special effort to clean up oceans, particularly from irresponsible drilling and aquaculture. At the same time, the organization conducts extensive research to promote advocacy on the subject.
Oceanic Preservation Society http://www.opsociety.org/ The Colorado-based Oceanic Preservation Society focuses on promoting marine conservation and environmentalism. Founded by photographer and diving enthusiast Louie Psihoyos in 2005, the organisation was received attention for making the award-winning documentary, “The Cove.” The documentary that created in 2009 was an eye-opener to the horrors of the annual Taiji dolphin hunt.
One Green Planet https://www.onegreenplanet.org/ An independent online platform, One Green Planet provides readers with information on sustainable, every-day habits. They are the instigators of the #CrushPlastic Movement. This campaign focuses on reducing single-use plastics including shopping bags, coffee cups, water bottles, take-out containers, and straws.
One More Generation http://onemoregeneration.org/project/environmental-conservation/ Youth founders Carter and Olivia and Ries are empowering youth to protect the environment to save endangered species. Their environmental conservation program focuses on plastics and their compelling talks are inspiring the next generation to take action at a young age.
Parley for the Oceans https://www.parley.tv/#fortheoceans Parley seeks to create a movement where creators, thinkers and leaders come together to raise awareness for the beauty and fragility of our oceans and collaborate on projects that can end their destruction. Its Parley for the Oceans Program is centered on three strategies: avoid plastic wherever possible; intercept plastic waste; and redesign the material itself. Parley has created a number of partnerships with companies that have either created or pledged to create new products from ocean plastic (e.g., Adidas, Stella McCartney and American Express) or have shifted consumption away from virgin plastic.
The Plastic Bank https://www.plasticbank.com/ The Plastic Bank recognizes that plastic is an asset that creates recyclers and valuable “currency” that the poor can use and benefit from. The Plastic Bank has created the world’s largest chain of stores for the very poor, where everything can be purchased in exchange for plastic garbage.
Plastic Change https://plasticchange.org/ Based in Denmark, Plastic Change works on an international scale to raise awareness and implement actions concerning plastic pollution. While they tackle a number of plastic-related issues, one of their latest campaigns is called Beat the Microbead, an app which informs the microplastic content in cosmetics.
Plastic Oceans https://plasticoceans.org/ To change the world’s attitude towards plastic within a generation”—this is the mission that Plastic Oceans ascribes to. To this end, the organization provides educational films, engaging curricula for school children, as well as support to budding entrepreneurs tackling plastic pollution.
Plastic Pollution Coalition http://www.plasticpollutioncoalition.org/ Plastic Pollution Coalition is a global alliance of individuals, organizations and businesses working together to stop plastic pollution and its toxic impacts on humans, animals and the environment. With its work, Plastic Pollution seeks to put plastic pollution at the forefront of global social, environmental and political discourse
Plastic Soup Foundation https://www.plasticsoupfoundation.org/ An advocacy group tackling plastic pollution, the Plastic Soup Foundation works on awareness, education, and solutions. Want to get involved in reducing the use of plastic? This foundation has a great app, My Little Plastic Footprint, which allows users to reduce their plastic footprint.
PlastiCo https://www.plasticoproject.com/?mc_cid=7e90aa3fcb&mc_eid=428d2f8f57 We are a civil society organization that works for the reduction and eradication of the use of plastic for a single use nationwide in Ecuador, based on three programs: education, counseling and production.
Plastic-Pollution.org http://plastic-pollution.org/ Coastal Care. Growing out of the efforts of the Santa Aguila Foundation, Plastic-Pollution.org carries on the mission of educating, advocating, and raising awareness of plastic pollution. One of their main goals is to provide children with a comprehensive, environmentally-friendly curriculum. They do so through articles, reports, and notes that are publicly available free of charge.
Precious Plastic https://preciousplastic.com/ Precious Plastic enables anyone to start a local plastic workshop to turn plastic waste into new things, from custom knifes, to water filters to lamp shades. The sky’s the limit!
Responsible Runners http://www.responsiblerunners.org/ Responsible Runners in Australia is a group of running enthusiasts that promote and organize beach clean up efforts in Australia.
Save Our Shores https://saveourshores.org/ Save Our Shores is a non-profit marine conservation organization in Santa Cruz, California. Caring for the marine environment through ocean awareness, advocacy, and citizen action. Educational efforts, cleanup initiatives, and clean boating are three of the pillars this California-based NGO is built upon.
Sea Shepherd Conservation Society https://seashepherd.org/ Known for obstructing Japanese whaling activities in the Southern Ocean since 2005, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is a Washington-based marine conservation organization with direct action tactics to save the oceans. Founded by Paul Watson, a former member of Greenpeace, in 1977, under the name Earth Force Society, the organization is involved in a number of “controversial activities” to protect the ocean and marine life. Sea Shepherd Conservation Society carries out operations that involve direct, non-lethal tactics including scuttling and disabling whaling vessels, intervening in seal hunts and throwing bottles of foul-smelling butyric acid onto whaling vessels at sea, among others. As a response to the organisations’ effort, the Japanese government has called Sea Shepherd eco-terrorists for impeding their research.
Sports Gear Swag https://www.sportsgearswag.com/blog/eco-friendly-alternatives-to-traditional-basketball-jerseys Sports swag, like basketball jerseys and mugs, are some of the items manufacturers produce heavily, especially during sporting events. However, these items, when unused, only have one place to go – the landfills. Not to mention, they also require a great amount of energy during manufacturing. With the majority of sports fans opting for greener alternatives, it’s time for institutions to employ eco-friendly solutions to minimize their carbon footprint.
The Story of Stuff Project https://storyofstuff.org/plastics/ A unique project, The Story of Stuff focuses on the over-consumption in today’s culture. The project began with a documentary revealing the fact that our society owns too much stuff. Stemming from this, the organization is leading campaigns on reducing the use of plastic along with other interesting subjects.
Straw Free https://strawfree.org/ Straw Free is an organization based in southern California. Committed to promoting a plastic-free lifestyle through the elimination of single-use plastic straws. Their goal is to build awareness about the impacts of plastic straws on the environment through educational materials, outreach to businesses, and through the development of alternative solutions including bamboo straws.
Straw Wars http://strawwars.org/ Straw Wars is the site dedicated to the movement started in London’s SOHO to inspire restaurants and bars to eliminate plastic drinking straws from their establishments. Their site has a terrific map of London showing you how to find a straw-free restaurant, bar, or pub. Check out their video here.
Surfrider Foundation https://www.surfrider.org/ A network of individual enthusiasts, the Surfrider Foundation engages scientists and other experts infeasible solutions to protect the ocean. Their Rise Above Plastic initiative encourages each and every individual to take action by becoming part of local Surfrider Foundation chapters. Additionally, the campaign sets out a number of steps individuals can take to reduce plastic pollution such as refusing single-use plastic items, recycling, and spreading the word.
Take 3 https://www.take3.org/ Take 3- A Clean Beach Initiative is an Australia based non-profit organisation focussing on the reduction plastic pollution in the oceans and beaches. As educating people on the risks of marine plastic pollution, the organisation encourages beach-goers to take just three pieces of rubbish before leaving the beach and places near any waterways or bodies. As millions of tons of plastic end up in our oceans every year, this initiative believes in turning small efforts into big results to protect our oceans from plastic pollution.
TakeOutWithOut (TOWO) https://takeoutwithout.org/ TakeOutWithout is a campaign to reduce restaurant waste. “We can’t aim for perfection, but we can aim for improvement by saying NO to unnecessary packaging and even toting our own reusables- Together we will be raising awareness to the outrageous amount of unnecessary waste we create everyday as well as reducing it.”
Think Beyond Plastic https://www.thinkbeyondplastic.com/ accelerating the pace of innovation for a New Plastics Economy
Two Hands Project http://www.twohandsproject.org/ Down Under the Two Hands Project is making a dent in plastic straw waste two fists at a time
World Wild Fund (WWF) https://www.worldwildlife.org/initiatives The WWF is one of the largest global foundations fighting to protect living species and their environments around the world. The organization implements a number of programs for healthier oceans and actively works to raise awareness about plastic and the environment. For example, just last month, they published a report on plastic consumption in the UK.